Meet Nature School Parent Simon Andrew

Meet Nature School Parent Simon Andrew

Published by Outdoor School Shop on Feb 13, 2024

1. Where is your child at school?

Isla is very fortunate to be at the first nature school in North Dakota, Muddy River Nature School

2. How does the school incorporate the outdoors into the program?

Teacher Lindsay and Teacher Brian are either loading up all of their naturalists into their BRAND ebike “school buses”, hauling them around in sleds during the winter, resting in their sit spot by the pond, or letting their little spirits free in the forest. Even indoors, there are family of tree frogs for class pets and countless opportunities to learn about the world around us!

3. How much time is spent outdoors?

Teacher Lindsay will often report the kids spending 7 hours outside, weather permitting. They pack snacks, lunches, and cots to even have naps outside in the Summer time! Muddy River sets a goal of spending 1,000 outside every year. With a warm winter in the Upper Midwest I think they stand a chance to finally get their goal!

4. Has your child had an adjustment period to the outdoor approach?

We were fortunate to start Isla at Muddy River when she a few months shy of turning two. She spent a year at home during the pandemic, and then a few months at a daycare center. She flourished immediately when she started at Muddy River and wants to be outside any chance she gets!

5. Would you characterize your family as “outdoorsy”?

Yes, our family is very outdoorsy! We are well on our way to visiting all of the U.S. National Parks, and find any excuse to visit local and state parks in North Dakota and Minnesota.

6. How has outdoor school benefited your child in particular?

Isla has benefited from outdoor school in many ways. She’s adeptly knows the things around her when she’s outside, and explores everything with such curiosity and questions. We love being on a trail and she’ll spot a plant or a bug before we can!

7. Did you pivot from traditional school to outdoor school? Maybe from one child to another, and if, yes, what was that decision process like?

Muddy River is the first outdoor school in our area, so when we say that she was moving to Fargo, ND, we finally felt like we had a chance to give her the experiences we wanted for her. Honestly, the hardest part is deciding when we would potentially send her to traditional school. It makes me feel ill, thinking about leaving all of the amazing and opportunities she gets at Muddy River behind.

8. Was it hard to find an outdoor school in your area? How did you approach your search? Did you utilize the free ODSS Outdoor School Directory to find your program?

Muddy River was the only nature-based school in our area for the longest time — yes — it was very hard to find! The search included a random find on Instagram, from there, and my wife would dream of having that experience for Isla. Then, she decided to move to our city, and we were accepting into the first group of Young Naturalists at Muddy River in Fargo, ND.

9. How have friends & family reacted to your choice to embrace outdoor education?

Everyone loves seeing the unique experiences at Muddy River with the giant smiles on everyone’s faces. People are very supportive of Isla’s opportunity to live her young life like a kid is supposed to, outside and curious!

10. Has it been difficult to find the right outerwear to keep your child happy, warm and engaged at outdoor school? How has ODSS been a resource for you in terms of gear?

We’re so fortunate that Muddy River is capable of supply high-quality outdoor gear for all of the children. I know that Teacher Lindsay is constantly shopping ODSS through her posts on Instagram.