Meet Nicole Marie, a Nature School Parent

Meet Nicole Marie, a Nature School Parent

Published by Outdoor School Shop on Sep 06, 2023

1. Where is your child at school?

My children are at school at Zubuya Proyecto Educativo in Nayarit, Mexico. It is a Waldorf Inspired School in the Jungle.

We also run a nature immersion program on our land where our children have access to lots of fun outdoor activities like their mud kitchen and adventure playground.

2. How does the school incorporate the outdoors into the program?

The school spaces are 90% outside, small classrooms with palapa roofs or earthing builds. The children are mostly outdoors. While the school isn't focused necessarily on primary nature based learning, the outdoors and nature is intricately woven into the design of the program. The children walk to and from the compost toilets and the communal composting area. Their lunch areas, theater space and workshops are outdoors.

3. How much time is spent outdoors?

The whole day is outdoors because their classrooms have half walls and are open to the natural elements.

4. Has your child had an adjustment period to the outdoor approach?

My children have been in this program since they were very small. It is an approach that merges well with our parenting style and their interests.

5. Would you characterize your family as "outdoorsy"?

Absolutely. We live off-grid on a ranch full of animals and fruit trees and our boys are outdoors often.

6. How has outdoor school benefited your child in particular?

I believe it benefits their health in a big way, they are in fresh jungle air, with the butterflies and bees nearby, sounds of the birds and the animals. It gives them comfort to be outside. Also, the elements of the school that integrate the natural world are so deep....environmental consciousness with the composting toilets, water conservation mechanisms, morning circle thanking the Madre Tierra and the elements. It is cultivating deep connections for the children with the their natural environment.

7. Did you pivot from traditional school to outdoor school? Maybe from one child to another, and if, yes, what was that decision process like?

No. We always knew we wanted an alternative option for our children's education when we became parents. When our oldest was 2.5, we started the journey of co-creating a micro-school with 6 other families and that was the beginning for us. From there, we expanding into the project we are part of now. We live in a region that is both rural and close to tourism. Our options were either traditions public school or traditions private school. Neither one of those were aligned with our beliefs around education. We are privelaged enough to live in an area that has moderate season changes and no harsh winter, which makes it a bit easier to lead outdoor programs.

8. Was it hard to find an outdoor school in your area? How did you approach your search? Did you utilize the free ODSS Outdoor School Directory to find your program?

Yes, so hard that we had to create our own! Since we are in Mexico, we did not have access to the directory. We are proud to be part of a Latin American directory now that our projects have been around for a few years. The more initiatives getting chikdrens and their families outdoors around the world, the better!!

9. How have friends & family reacted to your choice to embrace outdoor education?

We have a mixed set of reactions, usually. Most family members are very much tapped into traditional schooling and lifestyle choices. They live in big cities and are wrapped up into the modern narrative of academia happening inside buildings. They have come to accept our choices over time, in loving ways. However we are certainly the different ones in our family!

With friends,its both. Many have joined us on the path of seeking out alternative education options for their own children and a few have even collaborated on creating their own semi-Outdoor nature schools in their area for their kiddos.

10. Has it been difficult to find the right outerwear to keep your child happy, warm and engaged at outdoor school? How has ODSS been a resource for you in terms of gear?

Gear is an interesting subject where we are and always a theme that brings up alot in our learning community. While we don't have a winter season, we do have a strong rainy season that brings monsoon-like weather. Many many children in the community do not have access to proper rain gear like boots and jackets. Alot of times kids end up going out in flip flops or barefoot bwcause they don't have boots. That really limits their opportunities to enjoy the outdoors.

In our case, my oldest has a limb difference and his left foot and leg are different than what people recognize as normal. So we have not been able to find rainboots that work for his body, which has been very challenging. Not many companies are willing to create custom shoes for clients so we are still on the search for appropriate gear that works for him.

ODSS has been an inspiration for our journey with the content they share and the tips they publish on their networks.

Thank you for that!!