Outdoor School Shop {ODSS} is very excited to roll out EDUCATOR GEAR GIVEAWAYS! After hearing many stories and learning about the struggles and barriers for teachers to access the right gear suitable to spending all day outside with kiddos - we have committed to help 1 teacher, every other month, to get outfitted for all nature adventures and weather challenges! Meet our first winner -- Angela Reed! Keep a look out at our little Instagram community at @outdoorschoolshop for the next teacher gear giveaway!
At which school do you teach?
What is your favorite thing to do each day at school?
I love when we discover something out on the beach or in the forest that inspires wonder. I like asking the open ended questions that get the kids pondering and discussing their discoveries.
What is the best thing you heard one of your students say?
"Look! I did it" or "I'm a scientist/artist" I like when the kids feel empowered to try something new and discover something about themselves.
What is the best thing you saw one of your students doing?
It is hard to pick a favorite but I remember a small child watching the older kids climbing a steep hill. They wanted to climb too but felt stuck. The other children came down and helped the younger one up and showed them all the best climbing spots. When she got to the top she looked so proud. All the other children cheered.
What (if anything) gets you outdoors and teaching everyday?
I love facilitating play and community building with the kids. It is inspiring to see how a group of children comes together when facing challenges outdoors.
We are grateful to partner with Nicole at Institute for Wild Med, where a portion of the proceeds from the 21-day challenge will be used towards getting educators the gear they need to teach outdoors. Please visit this LINK for more information or to sign-up for the 21-day Challenge.